Projects Guides

$ whoami


$ about

This is the showcase of my repositories. They are all free-as-in-freedom and also free-as-in-free-beer.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    printf("I know C!!!\n");
    return 0;


Languages used: NASM, C, C++, Python, MySQL, etc.
Contains exercise programs to test a technology (e. g. simple UDP or TCP servers) or just to complete a university work

Since Oct 21, 2021
  /===\ *
* |
      | *


Tools: Python with aiogram, asyncio; Telegram API
Week manager who can set and list daily activities for a week. Available at @WeekSchedulerBot

Since Jan 9, 2022

Arch config

Tools: bash, vim script
Includes scripts that install all needed packages via pacman and setup the configs for bspwm, sxhkd, vim, polybar, alacritty, bashrc

Since Apr 15, 2022
**"000"**   __
 *00000*    00*)
   _0_       ***\
  "000"    -&***\
   @*@      /*^*/

Trash The Dragon

Tools: Free Pascal with crt
An old-school CLI game. The player is the dragon who can scorch bishops

Since Apr 22, 2022
************* ************* ************* ************* *quadcastrgb* ************* ************* ************* *************


Tools: C, libusb, usbmon
A utility that allows controlling RGB modes of HyperX Quadcast S microphone on Linux and FreeBSD. The protocol was reverse-engineered using captured packets in Wireshark of the NGenuity program

Since Sep 10, 2022
:root {
  --what: #0e0d1b;
  --a: #42b3b3;
  --color: #16162d;
  --scheme!: #cf9054;

Tools: HTML, CSS
Indeed, this website

Since Jan 8, 2023